Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It Real Works: Dr. Miracle.

It Real Works: Dr. Miracle.:                                                           Dr. Miracle's                                            Deep Conditio...

It Real Works: Dr. Miracle.

It Real Works: Dr. Miracle.:                                                           Dr. Miracle's                                            Deep Conditio...

My Life: The Dream of loneliness

My Life: The Dream of loneliness:                   The darkest night when the moon is shinning and the star are twinkling bright, The whispering wind rushing around...

Jamaica Gold: Real Brown Sugar

Jamaica Gold: Real Brown Sugar:   For the last month or so there have been no sugar on the Jamaica Island. You better believe me, when go in to the supermarket lo...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Real Brown Sugar


For the last month or so there have been no sugar on the Jamaica Island.

You better believe me, when go in to the supermarket look on the shelves for

Sugar there was none, it was said the Island was out of sugar the Island that produces so much sugar and also export sugar to other place that buy Jamaica sugar

Was now out of sugar for last month.

People are saying that it’s because it’s soon Christmas the mangers of the supermarket are taking of sugar of the shelves in order to increase the price of sugar. But that’s not all they do they replace the original brown sugar with a sugar in a seal package, called Jamaica golden Brown sugar two(2) pound of that sugar is for $300 Jamaican dollars it is also said that this sugar nothing like the real Jamaica brown sugar. Yes the price is much higher that the regal sugar prices and people are force to buy it because they can’t get any sugar.

 Saturday I was in a supermarket and saw the supermarket merchandizer putting the real Jamaican sugar on to shelves, and he told me that the supermarket “just” get some sugar and that it’s a small amount.

They don’t know how long they have will have the sugar for and when they will get any more sugar.

This real madness people will need sugar to use to bake their cakes and some people start baking cake early to get to family and friend.

So please bring the real Jamaican Brown Sugar for to stay on the Shelves.